Performance Coach
Jayson was one of the players on the full time programme at Unique Tennis and an aspiring professional player, unfortunately due to a severe injury he was no longer able to pursue this ambition. He played several junior tournaments around the world at ITF level. This has given him extensive experience of what it takes being on the road competing and what it takes to play internationally.
Through these tournaments and experiences, he has learnt the amount of hard work, dedication and mental toughness it takes to play this sport and he feels this is important for him to be able to connect with other players. He is an aspiring young coach looking to take his tennis knowledge to the top. Jayson will be working on the full time programme from September 2024 and using this time to help develop the players whilst shadowing the coaches and gaining knowledge on performance tennis. It’s exciting for us to have a former player who understands our ethos and the culture we create at Unique Tennis. He will also still keep up his duties supervising the classroom, making sure everyone is
studying hard and keeping on top of their work.
Individual Sessions with JAYSON
Non-Academy Players £POA
Access Players £POA
Full Time Academy £FOC