Francesca Xuereb

Francesca Xuereb

Senior Strength & Conditioning Coach

Francesca has been working in performance tennis since 2014. Her background prior to working in tennis was in elite track and field. She represented Malta for 10 years. During that period she won The National Championships multiple times, breaking national records and making the finals of the World Youth Championships and European Youth Olympic Festival. Francesca is still involved in coaching some international track athletes today and helped an athlete win silver in the 4x100m relay at the 2019 World Championships.

Francesca has a passion for developing junior players for the senior tour or American University Tennis. During her time in performance tennis, Francesca has played a pivotal role in the athletic development of many players. Her passion and drive for excellence are clear to see throughout her coaching and interactions with players.

Individual Sessions with FRANCESCA

Non-Academy Players            £160

Access Players                       £POA

Full Time Academy                 £FOC